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Peter  Rosenberg

Obituary of Peter Ivan Rosenberg

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Peter Ivan Rosenberg (Rozi)


Holocaust Survivor, Mensch

Born to Lenke Lilly Reisz and Dr. Istvan Rosenberg 18 November 1936 in Budapest, Hungary.

Died 11 December 2024 Toronto, Ontario.

"She saved my life" Those were the last words in a conversation he had with Ans (de Hoyer), his wife, of 60 years.

Peter was referring to the daughter of a distant relative, who had been dating a German officer. 

1944 Budapest. Peter, along with his mother and grandparents, were pulled out of a rounding up of Jews.

They survived thanks to the protection of the Spanish Embassy.

Peter came to Canada in 1956 as a refugee, with as his sole possession a small bag with necessities provided by the Red Cross.

He is so very much missed by his wife, daughters Aviva and Lilliane and vizsla Monty.

Peter was more than a survivor, he believed everything was possible, always finding solutions to challenges.

Peter is remembered as a positive man, a go-getter, with an easy laugh and impish humour.

We are grateful to the staff of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, the hemodialysis unit, K-wing, TTC Wheel-Trans, Support Workers, and Sasha.

A gathering will be planned in the spring to celebrate his memory and keep him in our hearts.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Peter
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at DeStefano Funeral Home Services Inc.
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Peter  Rosenberg

In Loving Memory

Peter Rosenberg

1936 - 2024

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Family and friends are coming together online to create a special keepsake. Every memory left on the online obituary will be automatically included in this book.